Energy Efficiency Measures:
- LED as base lighting in metro systems.
- Providing energy savvy Glow Signages.
- Harvesting day natural light.
- Use of Solar Plant at elevated stations and depot.
- Smart lighting system at stations i.e. public occupation sensor based lighting, use of dimmer during non peak periods.
- Video monitoring of passenger density for lighting control.
- Controlled air conditioning of platform based on public occupation.
- Use of high efficiency chiller plant.
- Building management system.
- Use of state of art VVVF elevators, escalator and travellator with concept of regenerative drives.
- Use of 2 stage compressor & automatic tube cleaning in HVAC system.
- Using Chiller plant management system to optimize efficiency.
Green technology in Rolling Stock
- Improved Regenerative braking for carbon neutrality.
- LED based smart lighting & smart AC in coaches.
- Light weight bogies.
- Permanent magnet motors.
- Heat exchanger in HVAC in coaches.