1 | Mechanized Cleaning & Housekeeping works from Dharavi to Jagannath Shankar Sheth (Mumbai Central) Metro Stations, at Line-3 of MMRCL | NIT | MM3-CBS-OPS-HK-PKG03/2024 | 12/12/2024 | file |
2 | Mechanized Cleaning & Housekeeping works from Dharavi to Jagannath Shankar Sheth (Mumbai Central) Metro Stations, at Line-3 of MMRCL | NIT | MM3-CBS-OPS-HK-PKG03/2024 | 12/12/2024 | file |
3 | Mechanized Cleaning & Housekeeping works from Dharavi to Jagannath Shankar Sheth (Mumbai Central) Metro Stations, at Line-3 of MMRCL | NIT | MM3-CBS-OPS-HK-PKG03/2024 | 11/10/2024 | file |
4 | Provision of Ticket Vending Services and Customer Service Staff at Metro Stations & Associated Locations {Package 2: Dharavi to Jagannath Shankar Sheth (Mumbai Central) Metro Stations of MML 3} | NIT | MM3-CBS-O&M/TKS/PKG-2/2024 | 11/10/2024 | file |
5 | Commercial operation of Metro Line- 3 from Aarey JVLR to Bandra Kurla Complex Station is starting for the general public on 07-10-2024 from 11:00 hrs to 22:30 hrs | Public Notice | No./PRO/MMRC/63 | 05/10/2024 | file |
6 | Procurement of High Speed Diesel (HSD) Oil for CMV & DG set operations of O & M- PST dept | GeM Bidding | GEM/2024/B/5425834 | 23/09/2024 | file |
7 | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Queue Managers for Mumbai Metro Line-3, Mumbai | GeM bid | GEM/2024/B/5100811 | 21/07/2024 | file |
8 | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Frisking Booth & Frisking Platform for Mumbai Metro Line-3, Mumbai | GeM bid | GEM/2024/B/5155451 | 19/07/2024 | file |
9 | Providing Insurance of Passengers, Public, Assets, Cyber-Crime Risk, Terrorism, Properties and Trains of Mumbai Metro Line-3 | NIT | MM3-CBS-OPS-INSURANCE/2024 | 05/04/2024 | file |
10 | Providing Insurance of Passengers, Public, Assets, Cyber-Crime Risk, Terrorism, Properties and Trains of Mumbai Metro Line-3 | NIT | MM3-CBS-OPS-INSURANCE/2024 | 15/03/2024 | file |